Remember that a pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase.
Here you will find fun activities and educational resources in English. Let's go!!!!
30 de septiembre de 2013
27 de septiembre de 2013
Tongue Twisters
Escucha estos trabalenguas e intenta repetirlos rápidamente
1st & 2nd Cycle of Primary School. Starfall
26 de septiembre de 2013
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
We'll write sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms, using the past simple irregular verbs that we have studied in class.
This presentation will serve as an example. Good Luck!!!!
In this power point there are two wrong sentences. Can you find them?
In this power point there are two wrong sentences. Can you find them?
6th Primary School
25 de septiembre de 2013
23 de septiembre de 2013
20 de septiembre de 2013
English Links
Esta entrada se irá ampliando con enlaces
interesantes relacionados con el aprendizaje
del inglés en nuestro colegio.
+ Oxford Online Learning Zone (Pre- primary). Cualquier alumno de Educación Infantil tiene acceso a esta página. Tan solo deberéis identificaros y pedir la contraseña a vuestra tutora.
3 años
Oxford Playschool Starter
Pedir a tutora
4 años
Oxford Playschool A
Pedir a tutora
5 años
Oxford Playschool B
Pedir a tutora
+ Oxford University Press (página oficial de la editorial. Encontraréis material adicional, programaciones.... si entráis en ELT, English Language Teaching).
+ Oxford Magazine (Pre-primary & Primary). Revista mensual.
+ BBC - CBeebies (games, songs, stories, fun activities for kids).
+ English for little children (1º ciclo primaria)
19 de septiembre de 2013
Magic English Videos
Magic English es un curso de inglés interactivo para aprender jugando y divirtiéndose. Bambi, Aladdin, Daisy, Donald o Mowgly son algunos de los entretenidos profesores de Magic English, el curso interactivo que ayudará a sus hijos a descubrir el inglés de una forma altamente educativa, con la diversión y el entretenimiento de Disney.
Pre-primary & Primary School
18 de septiembre de 2013
Adele, an English singer
Adele is an English songwriter.
She was born in 1988 in Tottenham (England). She is the first artist to sell more than 3 million copies of an album in a year in the UK.
In February 2012 she won six Grammy Awards including Album of the Year, In October 2012, Adele confirmed that she had been writing the theme song for Skyfall, the twenty-third James Bond film and she received an Academy Award.
Listen to the song "Rolling in the Deep" at the Royal Albert Hall (London)
Read it!! Loud and clear!!
Read the book to yourself or aloud. A blue arrow will appear at the bottom of the page. Click the arrow to turn the page.
17 de septiembre de 2013
A famous comic writer
Would you like to create your own comic strip?
With this comic creator is very easy. Only click on start and follow the instructions.
With this comic creator is very easy. Only click on start and follow the instructions.
You have 6 pictures to create your comic.
Choose your background, your characters, objects, dialogues and whatever more.
You can become a famous comic writer.
You can become a famous comic writer.
16 de septiembre de 2013
Question Words
Vamos a repasar los Pronombres Interrogativos.
Estas palabras las utilizamos para hacer preguntas.
10 de septiembre de 2013
Welcome to school!!
We are all very happy because school starts.
Have you had a good summer?
Now let's review English vocabulary. Are you ready?
Primary School.