

30 de enero de 2015

Spin the whell & Spell the word

Puedes jugar solo o con un compañero
Read game instructions, press start, choose a topic and start spelling.
It's very easy!
To play by yourself:
1. Click on the picture you want to spell.
2. Dial the first letter on the wheel by clicking it with your mouse. The wheel will spin and your letter will appear below.
3. Then dial the rest of the letters and click "submit" when you are finished.
4. If you think you are a mistake, click "clear" and star over.
To play with a friend:
1. Challenge your friend to spell a picture you select. Your friend gets one point for spelling the word correctly.
2. If your friend spell it incorrectly it's your turn and you get one point for spelling the word correctly.
3. Your friend challenges you next. The first person to earn 10 points wins.
                                                                                                 2nd & 3rd Cycle of Primary Education

29 de enero de 2015

Bits of intelligence for children

Aquí los niños de 3 años encontrarán tres zonas: imágenes, números y palabras.
Si pinchan en ellas podrán aprender con los bits de inteligencia que se repiten.
Click on the picture to start
3 years Pre-primary Education

28 de enero de 2015

How is your house?

We will visit this house and we will learn as they are called in English the rooms, the furniture and everything inside.
Click on the house and play
2nd & 3rd Cycle of Primary Education

26 de enero de 2015

Countries and nationalities

As you well know, we are studying some countries and nationalities. In this link you can practice them in a very easy way. 
Would you like to try it?

23 de enero de 2015

Brown bears

Brown bears often eat fish. Watch one bear triyng to catch fish jumping from a waterfall 
Click on the picture. Then click on video & sound
Primary school. National Geographic for Kids

22 de enero de 2015

What sports do you play in Britain?

Sports play an important part in the life in Britain and is a popular leisure activity.
Many of the world's famous sports began in Britain, including cricket, football, tennis, golf and rugby
England's national sport is cricket although to many people football is seen as our national sport. Football is our most popular sport. Some of England's football teams are world famous, the most famous being Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool.
Cricket is played on village greens and in towns/cities on Sundays from April to August
The rules of cricket became the responsibility, in the 18th century, of the Marylebone Cricket Club.
How do you play Cricket ?
Esta información la vas a buscar tú y después se la explicarás a tus compañeros en clase. Good luck!!!

21 de enero de 2015

20 de enero de 2015

Count ten to one hundred

Aquí Mr. Teapot te mostrará los números del 1o al 100.
Podrás escuchar su pronunciación, y con entretenidos juegos aprenderás a identificarlos y saber como se escriben.
2nd Cycle of Primary school

19 de enero de 2015

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig es una cerdita que habla inglés. Es la protagonista de una serie de dibujos animados con los que puedes APRENDER INGLÉS de una manera muy divertida.
Click on the picture to watch videos
En este enlace también puedes encomtrar juegos, puzles, dibujos....
Click on the picture to play
Pre-Primary & Primary School

16 de enero de 2015

The elephant song

I like animals
Con esta divertida canción los más pequeños podrán aprender distintos animales.
¿Queréis ver este video? Do you want to watch this video?

Pre-Primary & Primary School

15 de enero de 2015

Baby Signs

This video shows babies how to sign "EAT".
This videos are designed to captivate babies and teach them important signs through 3D animation, lively puppets and adorable signing babies. My Mealtime Signs introduces babies to these important signs: Eat, Drink, More, Milk, Cereal, etc...

3 years. Pre-Primary School

14 de enero de 2015

Classroom Code of Conduct

Y ahora que empieza este segundo trimestre, no está de más recordar nuestras normas de comportamiento en el cole
Primary School

13 de enero de 2015

The Months of the year

Practise the months of the year with this video.
Recuerda que al igual que los días de la semana los meses de año, en inglés, se escriben con mayúscula.
2nd Cycle Primary School

12 de enero de 2015

The fruit train

Whoo whoo! Chugga chugga!!
A short fun video showing a children's train pulling giant fruit freight.
Kids can read along as the fruit rumbles by.

 1st of Primary School

9 de enero de 2015


January is the first month of the year and one of seven months with the length of 31 days. 
The first day of the month is known as New Year's Day. 
It is, on average, the coldest month of the year within most of the Northern Hemisphere (where it is the second month of winter) and the warmest month of the year within most of the Southern Hemisphere (where it is the second month of summer).
 In the Southern hemisphere, January is the seasonal equivalent of July in the Northern hemisphere and viceversa.

8 de enero de 2015


Winter is the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring. 
The days are shorter in wintertime.  
 In many regions, winter is associated with snow and freezing temperatures.
Click here to go colouring pages
Click on the picture to sing a winter song