Puedes jugar solo o con un compañero
Read game instructions, press start, choose a topic and start spelling.
It's very easy!
To play by yourself:
1. Click on the picture you want to spell.
2. Dial the first letter on the wheel by clicking it with your mouse. The wheel will spin and your letter will appear below.
3. Then dial the rest of the letters and click "submit" when you are finished.
4. If you think you are a mistake, click "clear" and star over.
To play with a friend:
1. Challenge your friend to spell a picture you select. Your friend gets one point for spelling the word correctly.
2. If your friend spell it incorrectly it's your turn and you get one point for spelling the word correctly.
3. Your friend challenges you next. The first person to earn 10 points wins.
2nd & 3rd Cycle of Primary Education