

24 de febrero de 2015

Webquest My Body

In this activity you will learn the parts of the body. Follow the instructions and have fun. Click on the picture
1st Cycle of Primary School.

23 de febrero de 2015

22 de febrero de 2015

World Thinking Day 2015

Develop a global partnership for development.
Our mission is: “To enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.” In order to achieve this mission we are creating strong partnerships at all levels (local, national, regional, global) that empower girls and young women to take action and make the world a better place. Learning about the power of partnerships is a great way to celebrate our worldwide Movement.

17 de febrero de 2015

Pancake Day 2015

Pancake Day is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday and is historically a religious occasion relating to the Christian feast of Easter. In the UK and other countries across the world it has become commonly known as ‘Pancake Day’ as it is a day when families observe the tradition of cooking and eating pancakes, made from ingredients which were often given up during the fasting period of Lent in the run up to Easter. Shrove Tuesday is also known by other names around the world, including ‘Fat Tuesday’ and ‘Mardi Gras’. Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the last day before the start of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday and is an important time in the Christian calendar as it prepares worshippers for Easter, when the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Lent lasts for around six weeks and is said to represent the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus fasted in the desert. During Lent, it is traditional for Christians to fast or to give up certain items, often sweets or indulgent foodstuffs. The preparation of pancakes represents ridding the house of some of these luxury foods such as sugar, eggs and fats which go into making the pancakes and is seen as the last chance to indulge before Lent. While Pancake Day always falls on Tuesday, the date itself is not fixed as it is tied to the date of Easter, a moveable feast which is determined by a variety of factors including the cycles of the moon and the Spring Equinox. 

Pancake Day es conocido tradicionalmente como el martes de carnaval y es históricamente una ocasión religiosa relacionada con la fiesta cristiana de la Pascua. En el Reino Unido y otros países de todo el mundo es comúnmente conocido como 'Pancake Day', ya que es un día en que las familias tienen la tradición de cocinar y comer tortitas, elaboradas con ingredientes utilizados durante el período de ayuno de la Cuaresma, período previo a la Pascua. El Martes de Carnaval es también conocido por otros nombres de todo el mundo, entre ellos "martes gordo" y "Mardi Gras". Pancake Day, o Martes de Carnaval, es el último día antes del inicio de la Cuaresma, que comienza con el Miércoles de Ceniza y es un momento importante en el calendario cristiano, que se prepara para los adoradores de Pascua, cuando se celebra la crucifixión y resurrección de Jesucristo. La Cuaresma tiene una duración de alrededor de seis semanas y representa los 40 días y 40 noches que Jesús ayunó en el desierto. Durante la Cuaresma, es tradicional para los cristianos ayunar o renunciar a ciertos alimentos, a menudo dulces o alimentos indulgentes. La preparación de panqueques representa librar la casa de algunos de estos alimentos de lujo, como el azúcar, los huevos y grasas que van a hacer los panqueques y es visto como la última oportunidad para disfrutar antes de la Cuaresma. Mientras Pancake Day siempre cae en martes, la fecha en sí no es fijo, ya que está vinculada a la fecha de la Pascua, una fiesta móvil que está determinada por una variedad de factores, incluyendo los ciclos de la luna y el equinoccio de primavera.

16 de febrero de 2015

Classroom Language

En este video podrás escuchar expresiones que normalmente utilizamos en clase. ¿Hay alguna que no sepas? escucha su pronunciación y practica. It's OK?

Primary  School

14 de febrero de 2015

Valentine' s Day 2015

People celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th. Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is a day to tell people that you love them. People give one another cards, chocolates or special presents.
Fingerprint Hearts
Using washable ink, press an index finger onto the inkpad. Then stamp v-shaped hearts onto paper or card. Use felt tips or crayons to add additional details. This can also be done with red finger paint or tempera.
Be My Valentine
Hand out white, pink, red card and encourage pupils to make Valentine cards for friends in the class or for a special member of their family. Allow the children to be creative.
Valentine’s Crown
Make a crown out of card and decorate it with Valentine’s heart.
Valentine’s Potato Prints
Cut a potato in half then, carefully, cut out a heart shape. Do this with 5 -10 potatoes. Put the children in groups with plates of paint and allow time for them to make potato print pictures.
Tissue Paper Flower
Encourage the children to make a tissue paper flower which they can give to someone special on Valentine’s Day.
+ Click and enjoy these five games. What is your score?
+ Amazing Crafts for Kids (cards, coloring pages, games, puzzles, poems, printables, recipes, worksheets....). 
+ Look at this page too.

13 de febrero de 2015

What is your favourite shape?

¿Cúal es tu forma preferida? My favourite shape is.......
Pre-primary & 1st Cycle of Primary School

11 de febrero de 2015

Sing these songs

Do you like sing? In these pages you will learn almost 100 children's songs in English while you're watching the fantastic videos. The songs are subtitled in English (this will be most useful to elementary students).
                            Some songs we have learned in class. Enter now and enjoy it!!!                             Click here for page 1                                                      Click here for page 2  
Pre-primary & Primary School

9 de febrero de 2015

A Pet Crossword

Complete the crossword.  
Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. 
If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
Then click on "Check" to check your answer.
1st Cycle of Primary School

5 de febrero de 2015

What's your favourite food?

In this activity you will find many fun games. You can learn the names of many foods: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.. There are many memory games, a maze, a domino, even you can make a pizza with Korky.
If you are ready click here
1st & 2nd Cycle of Primary School

3 de febrero de 2015

British Money

How much is a pencil case? It's.......
Si estuviéramos en España el precio lo diríamos en € (euros) o en céntimos, pero
 ¿Cómo se diría en Reino Unido?
Aquí podéis ver las monedas que los británicos utilizan para comprar algo:
peniques y libras esterlinas.
A pound is the unit of money in Britain, worth 100 pence. Symbols: £ / p
Aquí podéis ver los billetes que los británicos utilizan: £5, £10, £ 20 and £50
Ahora vamos a hacer unos ejercicios para practicar. Click here to start

2 de febrero de 2015

Bristish Flags

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are territories belonging to The United Kingdom.
We will learn about their flags and saints with this activity.
Click on the map and play.
3rd Cycle of Primary School. Jclic